Law office "Lisitsa and partners" specializes in representing and protecting the interests of legal entities and individuals in the field of construction, real estate, land relations, investments.
More than 20 years of experience and the chosen specialization allow us to protect your rights and interests as efficiently as possible, prevent the occurrence of negative consequences or minimize existing ones.
We know not just the rules, we know the nuances!
Law office "Lisitsa and partners" operates as part of the Minsk Regional Bar Association.
Lisitsa Liliya, lawyer, special permission (license) for the right to practice law No. 02240/2750, issued on the basis of the decision of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Belarus No. 45 dated 03.25.2016.
Specialization: construction, real estate, land relations, investment activities.
Speaks languages: russian, english, french.
Lisitsa Liliya:
· is a recognized specialist in the field of legal regulation of activities in the field of construction;
· has significant experience in representing in courts in disputes in the field of construction, including in connection with the poor quality of construction work, poor design documentation, the occurrence of waste disposal, debt collection for work performed, a commensurate reduction in the price of work, recovery of losses, termination of contracts by demanding executive documentation, etc.;
· has significant experience in supporting the construction of facilities for various purposes, including the construction of multi-family residential buildings, commercial real estate;
· is a member of the Public Advisory Council under the Ministry of Architecture and Construction of the Republic of Belarus;
· is a member of the working group on the development of the Code of the Republic of Belarus on architectural, urban planning and construction activities;
· is the author of more than 100 practical and scientific publications;
· acts as a permanent leader of seminars on the legal regulation of construction, design and other activities in the field of construction, protection of the rights of business entities in construction disputes;
· has more than 10 years of experience in teaching civil law and the process;
· three times recognized by the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Belarus as the best individual entrepreneur providing legal services (based on 2007, 2011, 2012);
· has numerous awards, letters of appreciation;
· has been practicing law since 2001.
Mikhailova Oksana, lawyer, special permission (license) for the right to carry out advocacy No. 02240/2827, issued on the basis of the decision of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Belarus No. 180 dated 04.10.2016.
Education: graduated from the Academy of Management under the President of the Republic of Belarus.
Specialization: administrative procedures, confirmation of conformity, certification of conformity, licensing of activities.
Speaks languages: russian, english.
Mikhailova Oksana:
· is a recognized specialist in the field of administrative procedures, including confirmation of conformity, certification of conformity, licensing of activities;
· assisted more than 1000 Belarusian and foreign construction organizations in obtaining all necessary permits;
· has been practicing law since 2001.